Testicular asymmetry

Testicular asymmetry

Testicular asymmetry is normal, and the size can vary from person to person, with an average volume between 15 to 25ml. Most commonly, the right testicle tends to be bigger, and the left testicle hangs lower. Nevertheless, you may be…

 Does Size Matter?

Does Size Matter?

If penis size really is an issue, it seems to matter more to men than to women. Men’s concerns about penis size are fueled by the cultural messages equating penis size with masculinity. Unfortunately, society pressures us through messages like…

 Grower vs. shower

Grower vs. shower

Grower vs. shower is a term we may have heard before, but what does that mean? And is there any truth behind it? A grower is a person with a penis that significantly varies in size between the flaccid and…

 Penis enlargement

Penis enlargement

85% of women reported being satisfied with their partner’s penis size, while only 55% of men mentioned being satisfied with theirs.  Hence, multiple non-surgical and surgical procedures claim to improve the length and girth of the penis due to the…

 Penis size

Penis size

Penis size can vary from person to person with an average flaccid size of 9.16cm and 13.12cm while erect. The size can also vary depending on the person’s nationality with Ecuador (17.61cm), Cameroon and Bolivia having the longest average size…